The Timmins Youth Wellness Hub supports the social, mental, physical and spiritual well-being of youth through activities, resources and services.
Land Acknowledgement
The Timmins Youth Wellness Hub would like to acknowledge the Land upon which we gather. We recognize that Land Acknowledgements may be seen differently by different people, and that it is in our actions that we really show our commitment to providing programs and services that are culturally safe and competent.
Wherever we are in so-called-Canada at-large, we are on Land that has been under the care and stewardship of Indigenous Peoples since time immemorial. In particular, we acknowledge that the Timmins community is situated on the traditional territory of Ojibway, Cree, Oji-Cree, Algonquin, and Métis Peoples. This territory is covered by Treaty 9 (James Bay Treaty) and is home to many Indigenous communities today. We recognize and deeply appreciate their historic connection to this territory, as well as their contributions in shaping and strengthening this community. In honouring the Land, we are acknowledging Indigenous Peoples’ relationship to the Land, and we are also acknowledging the broken treaty relationships and additional systems of power that have oppressed, and continue to oppress, Indigenous peoples.
As settlers, this recognition of the contributions and historic importance of Indigenous Peoples must be clearly and overtly connected to our collective commitment to make Truth, Decolonization and Reconciliation real in our communities.
“Action on behalf of life transforms. Because the relationship between self and the world is reciprocal, it is not a question of first getting enlightened or saved and then acting. As we work to heal the earth, the earth heals us.” ― Robin Wall Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants
Municipal Election 2022 / Élection municipale 2022
La version française est ci-dessous Timmins’ 2022 municipal election is taking place on October 24, 2022. Advanced Voting takes place between October 11 - October 24, 2022 (conducted through on-line voting). In accordance with the Municipal Elections Act, every four...
In the News: “Timmins Youth Wellness Hub widens reach through daytime programming”
The Timmins Youth Wellness Hub is celebrating its fourth anniversary this year and it has a goal to reach more people between the ages of 18 and 25. The Hub has typically been popular with younger persons, but officials said it's an underserved segment of the...
In the News: “United Way kicks off its annual fundraising campaign”
“It was no accident” the Timmins Youth Wellness Hub was among the youth hubs selected from across Ontario last year to receive secure annual funding from the provincial government, says Anne Vincent, the hub’s executive director. At the time of the funding...