TimminsYouth.CARE (TY.C) is a collaborative initiative for youth in our community. We are and will always be youth-led, youth-centering and youth-serving. We focus on: education, information, and resources related to the things we CARE about; harm reduction & wellness resources; youth-led initiatives & businesses; stories of lived experience; creations by youth artists and arts-based projects. TY.C is an initiative of the Timmins Youth Wellness Hub (TYWH).
In early 2021, TimminsYouth.Care surveyed youth to find out more about their experience in Timmins as well as to gather information to inform the initiative. The survey was delivered digitally and promoted via social media.
In sharing these results, it is our hope that other groups, organizations, initiatives, and businesses in Timmins will use the information gathered to enhance their understanding of youth in our community.
Thank you for supporting youth in our community.
Nikki St Clair
Assistant Coordinator, Timmins Youth Wellness Hub

What would you like our community to look like 5 years from now? How do you see youth making these ideas a reality?
- “A more respectful community where we support each other and make safe space for everyone. Taking action and helping those less fortunate or the marginalized and making sure we are nice to everyone. Making sure to listen to youth concerns and act on it.”
- “I would like to see a community with more for youth to do, by having youth participate more [in] activities.”
- “A vibrant downtown.”
- “I’d like our community to take account for youth voices and opinions”
- “Eliminate homelessness and improve how we are responding to the opioid crisis and the war on drugs.”
- “I would like Timmins to evolve into a community that doesn’t let its remoteness and comparative lack of things to do/explore, and systemic financial problems hold back its youth. They should all equally have access to different programs that will help them explore their athleticism, creativity, entrepreneurial-ship, etc. while being exposed to a diverse group of people with varying mindsets.”
- “Better mental health support and better housing services, leading to less substance abuse and less homelessness.”
- “I can see youth creating camping trips or nights under the stars or days at the beach etc.”
- “I would like there to be more activities for the youth, a safer community, and more resources for crisis help, sexual health, etc.”
- “In order to help the homelessness crisis, the municipal government needs to address the addictions and opioid crisis that occurs in Timmins. There needs to be mass education on the severity of addiction as a mental health issue, and how it does not discriminate. Intergenerational trauma due to residential schools needs to be addresses and helped as well. More importantly, we need to NEVER shame our community members for having mental health issues.”
- “I think i’d like to see many more support systems for a wider range of people and having everyone feel welcome. I see youth making these changes by expressing their needs and asking for assistance with them.”
- “I’d like our community to be a lot more diverse. I’d like our community to take account for youth voices and opinions; and I feel like youth could make a start by having more of a voice with their education system.”
- “I want people to feel safe about going to school and living their lives. And everyone to live to their upmost potential.”
- “I would like our community to have a center for teens where they can hang out.”
- “I would like our community to look a lot healthier. There’s a lot of substances and mental health issues surrounding youth. I think that properly educating youth can help eradicate these issues.”
- “I would like for Timmins to be more fun and safe. We can do that by having people from each neighborhood try and help the community.”
- “I wish that we would have a crime free community where everyone felt safe no matter who they are. I believe we can make these into reality by being more supportive and accepting to others.”
- “A community that invests more into the beauty of the town, activities for youth., and takes pride in the city. Investing money back into the town specifically for the people and youth.”
- “I want to live in a Timmins where children don’t worry about their family having to chose between rent or food, where kids whose parents reject them for their identities have safe places they can access to stay and be supported no questions asked, where Indigenous kids can go shopping and not be harrassed by security who has already decided they’re a thief, and I want to live in a Timmins that isn’t divided.”
- “To be safer and happier all around.”