Welcome to the Timmins Youth Wellness Hub!
The Timmins Youth Wellness Hub (TYWH) is a safe, inclusive and welcoming space for all youth aged 12-25 to access mental health, addictions and wellbeing services, resources and support. The TYWH is part of a network of Hubs, called Youth Wellness Hubs Ontario (YWHO). YWHO is an initiative that aims to bring the right services to youth and their families, at the right time and in the right place.
In September 2018, the Timmins Youth Wellness Hub was established to provide programs and services (in English and in French) that support the wellbeing of youth aged 12-25 in the community.
We have been a pioneer for the rotational Hub model, utilizing multiple community partner locations across the city to ensure youth can easily access our services and supports.
Check our our schedule here.

What services do we provide?
The following services are offered at our Hub, and are available free of charge for youth aged 12 to 25:
- Drop-in recreation and social support (skills and wellbeing activities)
- Mental health counselling and support
- Mental health, wellbeing, and harm reduction resources
- Peer support
- Community and social support services (including education and employment support/training)
Skills & Wellbeing Activities
Skills & Wellbeing Activities are structured or unstructured, drop-in or scheduled recreational, leisure, health, and/or learning activities. Youth can come to hang out with staff and other youth while doing a variety of activities or workshops that are fun, help develop important life skills, and support your well-being.
Mental Health & Substance Use Services
Through support from YWHO and our Community Partners we are able to offer free counselling at the Hub! TYWH Counsellors are available by appointment or walk-in to have conversations with youth who may be struggling with mental health or substance use. They help create a safe and welcoming environment for youth and are able to refer them to further services and support as needed.
Primary Care
Primary Care is the care given by a healthcare provider. This provider acts as the first contact and principal point of continuing care and co-ordinates other specialized care that the youth may need. Primary care will be offered at the Hub in the near future through an arrangement with Northern College – East End Family Health Team.
Peer Support
Our Peer Support Worker and Peer Mentors contribute to the creation of a safe, inclusive and welcoming space that is free of judgment and stigma. Our Peer Support Worker and Peer Mentors are trained to recognize when a youth may be struggling with mental health challenges, respond in a manner that supports that person’s well-being, and determine when professional help may be needed and how to connect the person to that help.
Care Coordination (System Navigation)
The Care Coordinator will, in collaboration with youth and their families, assess care needs, determine eligibility for services, and develop individual care plans to help youth receive the services and supports they need.
Community and Social Support Services
Other services offered, with the support of our Community Partners include: employment support, educational support, housing support, food security and income support.
Land Acknowledgement
The Timmins Youth Wellness Hub would like to acknowledge the Land upon which we gather. We recognize that Land Acknowledgements may be seen differently by different people, and that it is in our actions that we really show our commitment to providing programs and services that are culturally safe and competent.
Wherever we are in so-called-Canada at-large, we are on Land that has been under the care and stewardship of Indigenous Peoples since time immemorial. In particular, we acknowledge that the Timmins community is situated on the traditional territory of Ojibway, Cree, Oji-Cree, Algonquin, and Métis Peoples. This territory is covered by Treaty 9 (James Bay Treaty) and is home to many Indigenous communities today. We recognize and deeply appreciate their historic connection to this territory, as well as their contributions in shaping and strengthening this community. In honouring the Land, we are acknowledging Indigenous Peoples’ relationship to the Land, and we are also acknowledging the broken treaty relationships and additional systems of power that have oppressed, and continue to oppress, Indigenous peoples.
As settlers, this recognition of the contributions and historic importance of Indigenous Peoples must be clearly and overtly connected to our collective commitment to make Truth, Decolonization and Reconciliation real in our communities.
“Action on behalf of life transforms. Because the relationship between self and the world is reciprocal, it is not a question of first getting enlightened or saved and then acting. As we work to heal the earth, the earth heals us.” ― Robin Wall Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants

Community Partners
The Timmins Youth Wellness Hub is so greatful for our many incredible Community Partners. Their support in providing funding, counsellors, spaces, equipment, training, translation and much more enables the TYWH to grow and flourish.
- Anti-Hunger Coalition Timmins Canadian Mental Health Association Cochrane-Timiskaming
- Centre de santé communautaire de Timmins
- CIBC Wood Gundy
- City Of Timmins
- Cochrane District Social Planning Council
- Cochrane District Social Services Administration Board
- Collège Boréal
- Conseil scolaire catholique de district des Grandes Rivières
- Conseil scolaire public du Nord-Est de l'Ontario
- Digital Creator North
- District School Board Ontario North East
- Dollar A Day Foundation
- Ellevive
- Employment Options Emploi
- Fidelity Investments Canada
- Glencore Kidd Operations
- Living Space
- March of Dimes
- Misiway Milopemahtesewin Community Health Centre
- Metis Nation of Ontario
- Newmont Porcupine
- Northeastern Catholic District School Board
- North Eastern Ontario Family and Children’s Services
- Northern College / East End Family Health Team
- Ontario Native Women's Association
- Ojibway & Cree Cultural Centre
- Porcupine Health Unit
- Scotiabank
- South Cochrane Addictions Services The Venture Centre
- Timmins & Area Women in Crisis
- Timmins and District Multicultural Centre
- Timmins Economic Development Corporation
- Timmins Family Counselling Centre
- Timmins Learning Centre
- Timmins Museum
- Timmins Native Friendship Centre
- Timmins Police
- Timmins Public Library
- United Way Centraide North East Ontario
- Université de Hearst

Hub Schedule
Check out our monthly schedule for our upcoming hubs.
Contact Us
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer or contributing to the hub, please send us a message!
Watch our documentary!
A YOUTH COLLECTIVE, standing up for the things we CARE about.
A Timmins Youth Wellness Hub initiative.
The Timmins Youth Wellness Hub brings together youth and community partners to support social, mental, physical and spiritual well-being with activities, resources and services.
General Information – Co-created by youth, the Timmins Youth Wellness Hub (TYWH) is a safe, inclusive and welcoming space for all youth in Timmins aged 12-25 years old to access: counselling services, peer support, food, mental health awareness and resources and tools for adulting. All participation includes the following: Access to counsellors and peer mentors at the hub, as well as all programs and meals offered.
Rules and Expectations – The rules and expectations of youth participants are as follows: This program is built on respect. Respect other people’s opinions. Respect other people’s property. Respect everyone and each other with your actions and language. Respect the property, equipment and space. Youth participants must remain in the designated spaces. Taking care of these spaces benefits everyone, including the community partners with whom we share these spaces. No alcohol. No discrimination. No smoking. No vaping. No drugs. No weapons. No violence. No swearing. Treat others as you would like to be treated. Bring out the best in each other. Have fun.
Harassment Free Zone – The TYWH is a harassment-free, zero tolerance space where bullying and harassment are not permissible at any time. Youth who engage in these types of activities will be suspended from the hub and must meet with the coordinator prior to returning to the hub. All guardians/parents and youth are encouraged to report any incidents of bullying or harassment immediately to a staff member. There are no exceptions to this rule.
Discipline – In the event that a youth participant does not adhere to the TYWH rules or expectations, they can be asked to leave the hub. This decision is made at the sole discretion of the staff at the TYWH and could result in a suspension from the hub. If the youth is under the age of 18 and has been asked to leave the hub, we will do our best to reach the primary contact by phone to inform them of the suspension. If the primary contact cannot be reached TYWH staff will assist the youth to make arrangements to return home safely.
Damage to Property – If youth damage equipment or property at the hub, they can be expected to pay for repairs or replacement. Decisions about the value and reimbursement required are made at the sole and complete discretion of the space in which we are located.
Limitation of Liability – In the event of an emergency, TYWH Staff may administer the use of any first aid treatment necessary. Every effort will be made to contact parents/guardians before such action. The TYWH also reserves the right to call for an ambulance if deemed appropriate or necessary. In signing this waiver “You hereby release the TYWH from all claims for damages arising from any accident or injury which is caused by or arises from participation of the applicant during any hub or in any location where a hub is held.”
Safe Use of Technology – All youth participants are expected to use technology in an acceptable manner. This includes personal devices such as cell phones, tablets, and personal computers. Any youth who are found to be in violation of these policies will be suspended from the TYWH. Youth participants are asked to not follow or add any TYWH staff on any social media platform.
Duty of Care – The safety of youth participants is the TYWH’s primary concern. The TYWH aims to provide a safe and welcoming environment and our staff will do what is within their control to ensure that all participants are safe and taken care of while at the TYWH. However, parents/guardians should be aware that the TYWH staff do not hold the authority to keep youth participants at the hub; youth participants may come and go as they please. The TYWH does not take responsibility for youth participants who come and go from the hub. The TYWH maintains a sign-in/out form which youth participants are required to fill out upon arrival and departure at the hub.
Hub Supervision – All the spaces the TYWH has during a hub are monitored by TYWH staff. Most locations in which the TYWH locates have surveillance cameras that are monitored by the residing organization.
Program Evaluation – In order to ensure that we offer quality programs, many types of evaluation methods are used to collect data and information that helps inform program and operational decisions and create best practices. Please be advised that information about participation will be collected about youth participants. You give permission for your child to participate in focus groups, surveys, interviews, and other evaluations deemed appropriate or necessary by the TYWH. Any/all information and data collected by the TYWH can/will be shared anonymously with, but not limited to; funders, stakeholders, community partners and the general public.
Media Consent – If youth and parent/guardian has agreed to the media consent part of the participation, the following will apply: Media content of youth participants and their activities may be collected while participating at the hub. This media content may include but is not limited to; pictures, videos, stories, interviews, quotes, audio recordings and youth projects. This media content may be used for but not limited to; printed materials, website, social media, funding projects, promotional videos, grant applications, evaluations, television, radio, newspaper, and/or internal reports. Youth participants and parents/guardians are also advised that youth may be involved in activities covered by the media, and that they may be photographed, filmed or interviewed at any time. Youth participants and parents/guardians may not be notified when media content is collected and used. The TYWH reserves the right to release and publish this media content as we see fit.